Saturday, January 24, 2015

Daniel Fast, Life is fast

This blog was an amazing outlet for me. I am sorry to say it has been nearly 5 months since I wrote a post! When school started back and Andrew's field ops began I had almost no time for sleep let alone blogging! Now, Lacey is getting older, I have learned to manage being a mom with time and I am finding more quiet time as my husband's deployment approaches. I am going to continue to attempt to keep this up because it's healing and fun for me and hopefully fun and inspirational to you! More recipes and tips coming soon!

In the wake of the new year I, along with my husband and other family members have committed to The Daniel Fast. My husband and I have been prayerfully seeking spiritual discipline for the new year, to be disciplined in our servitude as spouses and for physical health. When I pray for physical health I ask God to give me an attitude of gratitude!....To help me see the blessings my body brings me, to see it as a temple and a gift and to treat it that way. 

Here is an outline to The Daniel fast, Thanks to

Step 1: Be SpecificDaniel was not vague in his objection to the Babylonian diet. He defined the problem immediately.
  1. The king’s food was against dietary laws.
  2. Daniel and his friends had vowed against wine.
  3. The king’s food had been offered up to idols/demons.
Step 2: Fast as a Spiritual CommitmentThe Daniel Fast involves a spiritual commitment to God. “Daniel proposed in his heart that he would not defile himself” (Daniel 1:8).
Step 3: Reflect Inner Desire by Outer DisciplineMany people have an inner desire for better health, but they can’t discipline themselves to avoid junk food, and other foods that are not good for their health. The physical health you seek from God may be more than an answer to prayer. Your physical health can be linked to any of the following factors:
  1. Your food choices.
  2. The level of your spiritual commitment as reflected in constant prayer during the fast.
  3. Your time commitment. If you determine to fast for a certain time, keep it. For example, if you determine to fast 10 days, don’t stop on Day 9.
  4. Your testimony commitment. Your fast is a statement of faith to God that you want Him to heal your body, and faith is foundational to the Daniel Fast.
Step 4: Pray to Perceive Sin’s Role in Poor HealthNotice James 5:13-16:
  • Sin is something related to the cause of sickness.
  • Lack of health/healing may be the result of spiritual rebellion.
  • Lack of health/healing may be due to sin of wrong intake, i.e. drugs, pornography.
  • Repentance is linked to health according to James.
  • Elders have a role in healing both spiritual and physical health.
  • Sick people must desire to be well
  • The anointing oil could mean
    1. Medicine for healing,
    2. Symbolic of the Holy Spirit, or
    3. It could be baptism
  • Prayer alone may not gain healing, faith is the major factor.
  • In Greek there are several words for “sick”. James uses “Kanino”, which not only includes disease, but also means weak or weary.
  • Attitude is important. James said, “are there any among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms.”
Step 5: Fast as a Statement of Faith to OthersDaniel was making a statement of faith when he asked for only vegetables to eat and water to drink, then dared the overseer to compare the appearance of the four sons of Israel with the young men who ate the king’s food.
Step 6: Learn the Effects of the Food You EatWhy are some foods good for us, and other foods not? What does certain food do to your body? If we really knew, there would likely be some things we would never eat again.
Step 7: Yield All Results to GodDaniel said, “as you see fit, deal with your servants” (Dan. 1:13).
Daniel 1:12“Please test your servants for ten days, and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink.”
Daniel 10:3 KJV“I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.”
When going on a Daniel fast, or any type of fast, if you have questions outside of what Scripture says, prayerfully seek the Lord and be led by the Spirit for the specifics for your personal fast.

This Sunday is our last day fasting. We are celebrating with steak on Monday! This has been a truly blessed season.I am healthy and vibrant and I am SO grateful.I may not look like a super model but my body walks me on beautiful adventures, it dances, it hugs my lover, holds my daughter. Thank you LORD!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Easy Food for Busy Moms

With school right around the corner I have been trying to focus on foods I can prepare ahead for the week. If it's already made I greatly increase my chance for success. If a rough day comes around and there is nothing prepared chances are I am going to try my best to get something "low calorie" from a drive through. Which is basically a joke.

With that being said.... I LOVE carrots! I have trained myself to eat them plain...without ranch....or in a cake ;]. VICTORY!  I usually have about a cup a day and though I have learned to love the flavor, I think of them as beauty pills. Carrots contain carotenoids which give you a great skin tone.beautiful skin, smaller waist? SOLD. It's just as easy to throw a bag of these in your purse to munch on your way to class as it is a bag of chips. NO EXCUSES!

I had a great new find this week as well! The brand skinny girl started making snacks. After trying this one I am eager to try the rest. It's a cilantro jalapeno hummus, but to reduce calories further they added Greek yogurt for volume. I actually prefer the flavor. I use whole wheat pita chips for dipping. LOVE.

Over the weekend I also threw together my southwest pasta salad! This is a favorite in my household. I plan on having it for lunch all week and I am totally fine with that. I love preparing my lunches ahead of time because it makes lunch a no brainer healthy choice all week.

I use the tyson grilled and ready chicken for the protein in this recipe. I highly recommend them for fellow busy mommys 

You know how you open the cupboards and there is nothing to eat so you get creative and make something like corn chips with melted shredded cheese on top and call it nachos? Yea well this is me detour from that mistake. I always, always keep these in the freezer. They are great for turning salad into a meal, making a wrap, brown rice bowls, pasta salads..... the list goes on. I have created a hundred meals with these as the centerpiece. In fact, maybe that will be a post one day.

I have also been creative about squeezing in extra workouts because for some reason L doesn't want to stay on my schedule ;]. I have 2 favorite fitness apps keeping me on track right now.
1.30 day push up challenge
2.Quick 4

The first is exactly what you think it is. The second is 8 exercises for 20 seconds with 10 second breaks for a total of 4 minutes. I have been trying squeeze these in 3 times a day as "extras". Both are available for free in the Apple app store.

Here's to yummy food and skinny buns.

Southwest Pasta Salad

This is a super easy and satisfying recipe that you can make ahead and enjoy for lunch all week. Preparing meals ahead of time helps you stay on track!

What you'll need:
1 cup salsa
1/4 cup mayonnaise with olive oil
1 tbs siracha
1 cup corn
1 cup black beans
3 cups whole foods organic whole grain pasta
2 cups southwest tyson grilled and ready chicken strips
optional for topping: cilantro, avacado, hot sauce or pico

1. prepare pasta according to box.
2. heat pan to medium heat and cook already prepared chicken until it is heated all the way through. I like to add a little extra cumin to mine! let cool to room temperature.
3. Whisk together salsa, Siracha and mayo
4.mix pasta and chicken into the salsa dressing.
5.fold in corn and black beans.
6. Chill and serve!
200 Calories per cup

* You can also use boneless skinless chicken breast just add chili powder, cumin, garlic powder, salt and pepper to taste while cooking then cut into bite size pieces

*I used shells but bow tie or penne is a great choice as well!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Hot breakfast, cold

Starting my Monday off right! Lacey took a morning nap and I made a breakfast that wasn't blended while crossing off some items on the to-do list.

let's see,
bfast is a scramble of 2 egg whites and 1 whole egg
a little chopped onion, tomato and green bell pepper
seasoned with salt, pepper and cumin
on a whole wheat tortilla
topped with salsa

with a side of thinly sliced apple 
my obsession---Iced vanilla coffee

what's in my coffee?
brewed some Italian roast when I first woke up
let it cool
poured over a glass of ice
with a splash of almond milk and torani sugar-free vanilla syrup

All of that ^ 250 calories and 18 grams of protein

Don't worry, my life isn't better than yours. I didn't actually get to sit and eat my breakfast in peace. Little one woke up in tears right before I got the chance. I'm afraid I will be eating hot breakfast cold for the next couple years.

just kidding it is. Baby smiles.


Sunday, August 3, 2014

Berries and Greens Smoothie

I got this recipe idea from my best friend. Your greens, antioxidants and omega 3's in a glass. Love it.

1/2 cup kale
1/2 cup spinach
1/2 cup blueberries
1/4 cup raspberries
1/4 cup orange juice
1 tsp honey
1 tbs flax

Blend until liquid.

200 calories

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Postpartum Gymtimidation

I started working out again 1 month postpartum which is a week ago. I know, I know you are supposed to wait until 6 weeks PP but I had a beautiful natural birth..didn't even tear, TMI. I healed beautifully. Felt like a million bucks literally a minute after it was over. I feel ready and I am listening to my body.

So far I have only worked out at the tiny, private gym in my town home community. Today my husband is home early. He's a Marine and was gone on a field op leaving me home for the first night alone with our little one so I took some well deserved me time and went to the "big girl gym".
My bae, she's perfection

I did this with great anxiety. Last time I did my thang at a gym I was in good shape! I was comfortable with my body, my weight and abilities. This time I was self conscious. REALLY self conscious. Something I am sure most new moms can relate to.  I have been 60 lbs overweight for a year when I was a teen and when I lost that weight I steered CLEAR from a gym until I lost the first 30. I refuse to do that now. 

After putting on my big girl panties and going...I still felt uncomfortable, even a little afraid. I'm flabby. My belly sticks out in a way it hasn't before, my workout pants are a large now not a small,  my fitness level is low in comparison to pre-pregnancy and I'm praying "dear lord don't let me leak!". My, have things changed LOL!  I was so certain that everyone was looking at me passing their judgements. But, here's the thing.

1. I'm giving people too much credit, most are too self centered to notice someone else.

2. I owe an explanation to no one!! I have no problem being this way with anything else in my life. Why apologize for my body?

3. I really am beautiful.. My body brought life into this world. Like, can you grasp how amazing that is?!?! My body STILL sustains her life as I nurse her and care for her day in and day out. ( Yep. I did it! I kept her alive haha ;] ) My now flabby stomach was the home of a beautiful healthy little girl.


What  I am trying to say is....I have NOTHING to be ashamed of.
 I am unapologetically me!

SO I DID WORK. I want to get fit for me, For the way I'll feel and look. I want to shed my 25 lbs of pregnancy weight (and maybe then some) and be energetic and strong. LETS DO THIS.

Beyonce video because I'm moto like that