Monday, August 11, 2014

Easy Food for Busy Moms

With school right around the corner I have been trying to focus on foods I can prepare ahead for the week. If it's already made I greatly increase my chance for success. If a rough day comes around and there is nothing prepared chances are I am going to try my best to get something "low calorie" from a drive through. Which is basically a joke.

With that being said.... I LOVE carrots! I have trained myself to eat them plain...without ranch....or in a cake ;]. VICTORY!  I usually have about a cup a day and though I have learned to love the flavor, I think of them as beauty pills. Carrots contain carotenoids which give you a great skin tone.beautiful skin, smaller waist? SOLD. It's just as easy to throw a bag of these in your purse to munch on your way to class as it is a bag of chips. NO EXCUSES!

I had a great new find this week as well! The brand skinny girl started making snacks. After trying this one I am eager to try the rest. It's a cilantro jalapeno hummus, but to reduce calories further they added Greek yogurt for volume. I actually prefer the flavor. I use whole wheat pita chips for dipping. LOVE.

Over the weekend I also threw together my southwest pasta salad! This is a favorite in my household. I plan on having it for lunch all week and I am totally fine with that. I love preparing my lunches ahead of time because it makes lunch a no brainer healthy choice all week.

I use the tyson grilled and ready chicken for the protein in this recipe. I highly recommend them for fellow busy mommys 

You know how you open the cupboards and there is nothing to eat so you get creative and make something like corn chips with melted shredded cheese on top and call it nachos? Yea well this is me detour from that mistake. I always, always keep these in the freezer. They are great for turning salad into a meal, making a wrap, brown rice bowls, pasta salads..... the list goes on. I have created a hundred meals with these as the centerpiece. In fact, maybe that will be a post one day.

I have also been creative about squeezing in extra workouts because for some reason L doesn't want to stay on my schedule ;]. I have 2 favorite fitness apps keeping me on track right now.
1.30 day push up challenge
2.Quick 4

The first is exactly what you think it is. The second is 8 exercises for 20 seconds with 10 second breaks for a total of 4 minutes. I have been trying squeeze these in 3 times a day as "extras". Both are available for free in the Apple app store.

Here's to yummy food and skinny buns.

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